Binomial Probability Binomial probabilities for a given no. of trials (n), probability of success (p) and observed no. of successes (x) are computed by this dialog box. Type in the required values and press Enter or Return (or Tab) keys to update the probability. You can select your probability from: X = x, X < x, X > x, X ≤ x or X ≥ x recalling that this is a discrete distribution, where only integer values of n or x are applicable. The probability of success p is 0< p < 1 since the probability of success cannot realistically be 0 or 1. The graph can be plotted by clicking the Show Graph option (shortcut Command-S), and the table for those specific values of the binomial parameters can be generated in the results window by clicking the button Generate Table. With larger values of n the binomial probability is estimated using the normal distribution.